Meaning of closer song
Meaning of closer song

meaning of closer song

We ALL, regaurdless of how vicious later in life, begin as innocent children. The placement in the actual song compels me to beileve that the structure of the song very much follows the pattern of our lives. The first such perspective to begin the song looks at the innocence and near holy nature of a newborn child While the second clearly points out the dark fact that no matter how innocent a new born may be, he is stained with original sin. He also refers to birth twice in the song-"The first born my heart will call truly, a god like boy of the sky"- and-"Our souls become useless as the day they were born"- The beauty of these two lyrics is that, though they speak of essentially the same subject they give you polar perspectives. This fear leads us to strip ourselves naked of our individuality and give into other peoples wishes and other peoples sins. But the message i hear loudest is how unhappy this loss of individuality really is-"We'll waltz like an army for the fear of our pain"- I beilieve the pain he refers is rejection. It emphasizes the total loss of inocence to the societal uniformity imposed upon us through media and so forth.

meaning of closer song

General CommentThis song is talking about the superficial nature of our youth. I hope this helps some people and I hope you'll like it. This repitition is used to drive in the hopelessness of the situation, and once again reiterate the pain that these two are turning away from rather than dealing with. The next two lines I've never entirely understood, but then in the very end he once again repeats the "rusted arm rocking chair, away from the storm" line. But as the old saying goes "actions speak louder than words." Thus, his shoes (the actions) tell the truth, while his empty words and promises fall like sand around him. He may keep telling her he's sorry, or he'll never do it again, or that he loves her. The next two lines fall in line with him telling her. It is a lie made by man, because although man often says things such as "the truth will set you free" or the like, in all honesty, it is the truth that binds you, ripping your soul and destroying your hopes and dreams. It talks about the truth being lethal because more often than not, it is the truth that causes us the real pain. The first two lines of the next verse refer to him telling her what he did. The rusted arm rocking chair away from the storm refers to our cold, unfeeling hearts in which all feelings of pain, betrayal and lonliness are pushed away as we turn "away from the storm." In this section the singer is no longer talking about just his relationship in general, by is referring to human nature, and our tendency to stay in something that is wrong, something that makes us unhappy simply because we are afraid that without that someone, we are nothing. The souls become useless because they are left to waste away, stagnant, knowing neither love, nor hope, nor joy. Essentially it doesn't matter who you are with, so long as you are not alone ("we'll waltz like an army for the fear of our pain"). He talks of dancing with devils (aka the one thats bad for you, you know things are going to end bad, yet you start things with them anyway) and saying you need not know their name. The first four lines deal with lonliness and the universal fear of being alone. The next part is where the song gets really interesting. He feels her slipping away, and is desperately trying to re-connect. The fact that he is trying to pull her in closer shows that the relationship is ending.

meaning of closer song

The chorous signifies the either the girl finding out, or simply the boy's guilt for his actions. If you'll notice, the music also changes when the song hits line 5 (the thundercloud rain.). The makeup the clown is putting on refers to the boy pulling away from his girlfriend (presumably to cheat) and once again putting on the mask we all wear to face the public. The artists use of the words "thundercloud rain" "nightfall" "skin crawls" and "evening" let the listener know that things have darkened the relationship. The next four lines tell of the boy straying. The serpants represent temptation, and it is important that they only go home for the night (thus forshadowing future seduction). This takes place when he is young (God-like boy) and at first all seems perfect as if in a movie. Its his first love (first-born, my heart will call Truly) and he believes it to be true love. The first verse can be split into two parts: the first four lines introduce the relationship.

Meaning of closer song full#

General CommentYou have to look at this song like a story full of metaphors, with the central theme presented when the women says "he cheated on me, with another women"

Meaning of closer song